I’m a Healing Arts Practitioner
hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana,

[see: NOLA]

traveling the lands and seas,
encouraging dancing,
and bringing access to safe, healthy touch wherever I go.

[see: MADIC]

Nolamadic Healing Arts is how I combine my experience as a Licensed Massage Therapist, Physical Theatre/Movement Artist, and general “Body Nerd” to help people feel and move around to the best of their ability.

My services

Meeting my clients on the path of increased internal awareness, improved mobility, and greater ability to sense and express their own empowered embodiment is the great joy of my work.


I completed a 630 hour Massage Certification Intensive at Crestone Healing Arts Center in Crestone, CO in the Spring of 2021. Since that time, I have become licensed in four states and worked with hundreds of people, each client with their own unique body and their own unique path to remembering their body’s capacity to experience its one and precious life.

I have been privileged to work in spas, hot-spring resorts, clinics, festivals, pop-up events, retreat centers, hospitals, schools, libraries, national forests, state parks, and in my own studio - though people say that if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.

I am passionate about providing safe, healthy touch and creating a non-judgmental space for my clients to practice receiving and letting go.


CO MT.0024319
KY 291722
VA 0019019889


I offer dance/movement exploration classes, lessons, workshops, and labs for individuals, couples, and small-to-midsized groups.

I have trained as a physical theatre artist, clown, yogini, and worn a number of other stranger hats besides these. In addition to coming from a culture deeply steeped in music and dance, my personal movement practice has roots in and takes inspiration from:

Viewpoints (lineages of Overlie & Bogart/Landau)
Feldenkrais Method
Contact Improv
Alexander Technique
Conscious Connected Breathwork
and many more…